Sunken Works / who makes the rules
Under the title Sunken Works Ghaliah Conroy is working on a series of works around the theme of the Human Zoo, the 'exotic' exhibitions that took place in Europe well into the 20th century, where people of colour were displayed behind a fence. What effect does this history have on black women today?
After the dance film Sunken Works / don't BITE (a co-production between DansBrabant and Nederlandse Dansdagen), Ghaliah delves even deeper into the theme of 'looking and being looked at'. How do you relate to a gaze that reduces you to a stereotype? And how do you reclaim your autonomy?
Sunken Works / who makes the rules is een intiem live duet tussen een camera en een zwart lichaam – tegelijkertijd is who makes the rules een spel tussen publiek en performer. Wie kijkt naar wie, wie bepaalt, wie volgt op… Woede, onvermogen en genegenheid wisselen elkaar in rap tempo af. Sunken Works / who makes the rules is at times uncomfortable, at all times edgy and personal.