The100hands consists of Mojra Vogelnik Škerlj and Jasper Džuki Jelen. Their work consists of a crossover of dance, physical theatre, installation and reading - usually with a conversation, discussion or workshop.
They make work that encourages people to connect with their bodies. The work brings about an encounter between different bodies, while creating tangible and mental space for development, communication and reflection.
In doing so, they aim to bring differences together: challenge and negotiation. Earlier, harmony was their starting point, but today they start from disagreements, differences and controversy.
Jasper and Mojra make work that is strongly designed and based on complicated partner work. They make this work together with the dancer and do so with enormous dedication and drive. heir work contributes to an awareness of the importance of physical communication and encounter. Indeed, their work consists of developing formats with which we can (re)meet ourselves and each other. They involve their audience in playing with the rules of the encounter. By allowing diverse audience reactions to become part of their work, it is current, engaged, human and exciting.
The100Hands staan voor een hernieuwde begeestering en bezieling in de hedendaagse dans. Vanuit hun werk leggen ze verbanden naar domeinen als sociologie, psychologie, filosofie, economie en milieu. Zo tillen ze de dans boven zichzelf uit en maken ze haar tegelijkertijd concreet en invoelbaar, zetten ze haar met twee voeten op de grond.
With their inquisitive orientation and their work constantly made sharable in various forms, The100Hands contribute to a vibrant, audience-aware dance climate in North Brabant and beyond.