KOMMA with Nikita Maheshwary
@ Park
Since January, choreographer Nikita Maheshwary has been walking with several women from Tilburg and seeing the city through their eyes. During the walk, they talk about themes such as connection and feeling at home. Together, these women form a unique community. Weekly, they come together in movement sessions and explore what it means to form a community of Tilburg women.
Nikita, originally from New Delhi, India, is a performance artist and choreographer. She has been living and working in Tilburg since 2017. As part of the European project 'Dancing in your shoes', she initiates the '37.5' walks together with DansBrabant. Her wish: to meet other women from the city and explore the city together. Women from Tilburg, from north to south, from east to west. Women born and raised in Tilburg, women new to the city. Women with different lives, ages, feet, cultures and backgrounds.
The community reacts to Wouter van der Laan's work during KOMMA on Saturday 15 October.
Saturday 15 October
Park, Tilburg, Netherlands
37,5 is part of a larger European project Performing Gender - Dancing in your shoes (DIYS).
DIYS takes place in collaboration with arts centres in eight European countries (the Netherlands, UK, Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, Slovenia and Sweden).
Het doel van DIYS is het stimuleren van actieve deelname van lokale gemeenschappen aan het openbare leven door middel van cultuur, kunst en hedendaagse dans. In het programma besteden we speciale aandacht aan gemeenschappelijk denken over gelijke kansen, rollen en verantwoordelijkheden.
DIYS is ontstaan uit de behoefte van samenwerkingspartners om met lokale gemeenschappen een sterkere relatie te ontwikkelen, om hen meer kunst te laten ervaren en om hen dichter bij hedendaagse dans te brengen.